How to check browser cookie enabled with php and javascript
Cookies are typically used by web servers to perform functions such as tracking your visits to websites, enabling you to log in to sites, and storing your shopping cart. Cookies can be used to interaction between Javascript and Server Side Scripts like PHP.Cookies also used to transfer small amount of data between one page to other pages via HTTP headers .If user disables this cookies or user’s browser won’t support the interaction between JS and PHP fails.So we must ensure user must enable these Cookies. Checking with Javascript if (navigator.cookieEnabled == 0) { alert("You need to enable cookies for this site to load properly!"); } Checking with PHP If user disables Javascript we fail to check the Cookie enabled or not.So we check on the server side also.below PHP snippet check the Cookie enabled or not. function check_cookie(){ if (setcookie("test", "test", time() + 360)) { if (isset ($_COOKIE['test'])) { return true; } } return false; }